Clinical Therapist,
Becca Barry, LPC, BCBA,
Becca comes to SAGE as a Licensed Professional Counselor with over nine years of clinical experience supporting children and families. Becca earned her certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of Colorado, Denver. During her time at CU, she studied human development with an emphasis on the importance of understanding the function, or reason why individuals engage in certain behaviors. Becca uses this training to inform her work with children with challenging behaviors, with a sensitive focus on understanding the underlying needs in these behaviors. Additionally, the University of Colorado instilled the use of best practices in the field based on empirical studies to inform clinical decisions. Her modalities include cognitive behavior therapy to help clients recognize the relationship between their thoughts and emotions, as well as, dialectical behavior therapy, which focuses on mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance.
Prior to her clinical training preparation at the University of Colorado, Becca graduated from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado with a Masters in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology. During her time at Naropa, she studied mindfulness under a contemplative education model. In her role as a therapist, she emphasizes the “here and now” with her clients and staying present to their immediate needs. She creatively uses visual and kinesthetic cues in her the process of teaching clinical models and therapeutic tools to enhance generalization of learning outside of the treatment environment. You will also see Becca’s passion for action-based learning actualize in multiple environments from the park to the rock climbing gym as she caters her approach with gifted and talented, neuro-diverse young adults and younger teens diagnosed with mental health conditions.
Becca has joined our SAGE team with her compassionate and skilled approach in working with gifted and talented individuals who struggle with the complexities of developmental or mental health needs. For the past nine years she worked in multiple clinical settings including a specialized school serving youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities, as well as in center and home based programs. Through these experiences, she has worked with many gifted and talented children and adolescents across environments. She recognizes the social, emotional and executive functioning needs that often accompany this unique population.
Becca approaches her work from a trauma informed lens and expertly balances the need of addressing both the behavior and the relationship. With deep understanding, she combined the valuable modalities of applied behavior analysis and clinical process to address the needs of clients struggling with executive functioning, social skills, activities of daily living, communication, emotion regulation, academics, and vocational functioning. Additionally, Becca has professional training as a clinical extern treating adolescents and adults with interpersonal relationship needs, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and life transition concerns.
“My draw to SAGE is their multi-domain approach to working with gifted children that encompasses all of their being. SAGE understands the needs families face and seeks to meet those needs by offering a diverse team of experts under one roof. I am honored to be a part of SAGE.”
As a ten year resident of Colorado, Becca enjoys hiking, backpacking, snowboarding, rock climbing, biking and exploring the far corners of Colorado. Becca’s rescue mutt, Zig accompanies her on many of her adventures.
Clinical Therapist,
Susan Bell, MFT,
Susan’s work as a psychotherapist started many years ago in 1980 and is supported by her belief that each person is unique and important. What she has learned is that behavior is adaptive and as such can be understood in the context of adaption to experience. She began her professional work with gifted and twice exceptional children and families in non-public schools offering Art Therapy as a pull-out program within the academic environment. Exposure to the IEP, testing and learning disabilities as a parent began long before her professional work. She is a parent, then grandparent of children with atypical styles of learning, accompanied by emotional regulation issues and resistance. She found the IEP process confusing, stressful and often times unproductive as a parent. She often wondered why did the team tell her my child was smart when she was failing? She had far many more questions than answers at the time. She discovered through trial and error as a parent as she chased every known treatment as well as alternative treatment, from diet to biofeedback. She learned humility, and with persistence and determination created a safe place of compassion, tolerance, and behavioral expectations through the help of treatment. As a clinician, Susan is able to bring this wealth of experience to the table in her psychotherapy work. It has resulted in promoting and modeling positive communication. She aids families, parents and children to accept and honor unique perspectives while developing awareness of environmental contexts such as schools, friends, team-work and knowing who your audience is. She does this with creative thinking and humor. Susan is also trained and educated as a clinician in Mindfulness and Somatic Experience, with significant experience in this modality. This has allowed her to specialize in emotional regulation development, a critical asset for work with gifted children. She also uses her art therapy background to address a range of issues from building positive self- esteem to recognizing what is positive and what is working in one’s world. She recognizes the value of being welcomed with genuine curiosity and excitement into the academic, social and therapeutic environment. She has worked in academic environments with gifted and twice exceptional children as a Mental Health Professional in the states of California, Washington and Idaho. She is skilled in supporting parents at school/IEP meetings, identifying strengths, and what will further develop necessary skills for success. She has participated in behavioral assessments and helped develop behavioral interventions and strategies that are creative and work for everyone. She works outside the box with clients to join in ways that are supportive, embody positive choices and solutions for success. Susan is a tireless advocate for gifted children over many years now of serving this extraordinary, yet tender population and we are honored to have her join our SAGE faculty!
Clinical Therapist,
Lisa Cuss
Lisa cuss brings a unique blend of knowledge and experience to the SAGE Center setting with her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Denver Seminary, Littleton, CO, and her Bachelor Degree and Licensure in Elementary Education with Emphasis in Gifted Education from Johnson University, Knoxville, TN.
During her twelve years of experience teaching in both public schools and homeschooling organizations, Lisa worked with parents and school counselors to provide both educational depth and emotional health for children within the school setting. She is naturally attuned to obstacles such as anxiety, fear of failure, sensory struggles, and attention disorders which can create barriers in academic, emotional, and behavioral health. Lisa spent one-year teaching children on the autism spectrum, and from that experience learned the vital tools of clear communication, immediate positive feedback, and creativity in fostering social-emotional growth. She also served for 4 years on a focused team in a public school working with parents and teachers in providing direction and alternative learning approaches for children, both in areas of giftedness and in areas of disability.
Lisa is passionate about the social-emotional health of children and adolescents within their educational and family systems and has experience working clinically with children, adolescents, and adults. Through her Clinical Counseling experience, she has co-facilitated Adolescent Behavioral Therapy Groups, and Social Skills Groups for Elementary children, as well as Individual Therapy. Lisa believes that growth and healing are experienced most in relationship with another; therefore, close communication and work with parents is vital in the therapeutic process. Her focused study of Synergetic Play Therapy helped her further understand the convergence of neurobiology with the energy and emotions behind HOW a child experiences life through play, relationship, and educational exploration. Lisa values connection, attunement, empathy, narrative, and mindfulness. She also values care of the nervous system and spends time modeling skills to help clients grow in their abilities to self-regulate. At the core, Lisa believes two fundamental beliefs of play therapy: 1) Children and adolescents are innately created to move toward health; 2) Although he or she may not be able to articulate it, a child knows what he or she needs.
Lisa remarks, “After one conversation with Director Renu Rose about the vision and DNA of SAGE Center for Gifted, I was excited and ready to be a part of a place that provides such intentional holistic care for students and their families. I was drawn by the heart, empowerment, collaboration, and creativity that is foundational to the process of growth and healing for families at SAGE.”
Outside of her Clinical and Educational Profession, Lisa enjoys time with her husband and three kids around the dinner table, on a hike, and in cheering her kids on at sporting events. She is fortunate to have traveled abroad with her family and states she continues to be impacted by the life experiences of family and friends around the world.
Dr. Kathleen Daly, M.D.,
Dr. Daly is a passionate believer in the value of early intervention, psychoeducation, and enhancing family support systems for adolescents and young adults who are at risk for or currently living with mental illness.
She has worked with community mental health providers in Colorado and Washington, treating a range of illnesses that include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Kathleen began her psychiatry career at the First Episode Clinic at the Maryland Psychiatric Center, focused on the treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders. This was where she first witnessed the powerful impact that early intervention and the inclusion of familial support in treatment can have on a patient’s trajectory and quality of life.
Too often, she has seen the negative impact that marginalizing parents has on their children’s psychiatric care plan. Kathleen understands that a parent is often the strongest advocate a patient has and may be the only reason the patient is not experiencing a deeper crisis. She sees parents as a resource that should not be overlooked, much less dismissed, and believes they can be integral to the recovery process.
Kathleen is currently training in Family Focused Therapy (FFT), a hybrid of two forms of psychotherapy. It is based on psychoeducation (a type of therapy focused on teaching patients and their families about the nature of their illness), as well as a variety of carefully selected family therapy techniques.
As a mother of a gifted child, Kathleen understands the challenges involved with parenting, including the need to constantly be an advocate when it comes to interacting with educational and medical professionals.
“I see so many parents struggle with questions and doubts about whether they’re doing the ‘right things’ to empower their children to live healthier, happier lives. This all comes from a place of love, so my ultimate goal is to provide the tools and guidance that can help translate that sense of caring into positive outcomes.
SAGE Center truly takes a comprehensive and holistic approach to the gifted child and values the inclusion of family in helping their child realize their greatest potential. This is perfectly in line with my therapeutic approach to teens and young adults at risk for depression, mood disorders, and psychotic illnesses. I am excited to be joining the amazing team Renu Rose has created at SAGE Center for Gifted.”
On behalf of SAGE Center for Gifted, we warmly welcome Kathleen and look forward to the gifts and expertise she brings to our organization.
Clinical Therapist,
Megan Dare, M.Ed., BCBA,
Growing up Megan was in advanced placement and international baccalaureate classes during high school. She first began practicing applied behavior analysis (ABA) in 2001 during her sophomore year of high school. She fell in love with the field and working with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In three years she received a Bachelor’s degree s in Psychology from the University of Texas at San Antonio (2006) and in one year completed her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Texas at Austin (2008) with a focus on Early childhood Education and Autism. She has been a Board Certified Behavior Analyst since 2010. She has worked in a variety of settings including: homes, community, public and private schools, and center based locations. She has worked with children that are 18 months old-15 years old with services focusing on decreasing challenging behaviors and increasing replacement behaviors such as communication, coping skills, social skills, and independence with tasks such as chores, self-help skills, and homework.
Megan has been working with children that are twice exceptional since opening up her own private practice in Colorado in 2014. Her practice focuses on coaching and teaching parents how to implement strategies to help families have more harmony and collaboration between family members. She values a whole family approach to services, understanding that all families have learned histories and behavior patterns of their own that evolve as people age and environmental factors change. She implements strategies that meet the child on his/her intelligence level and also teach social and emotional skills and boundaries within the home. Her own personal experience of growing up in gifted programs and her professional experience has taught her that children who are gifted desire a need for control and understanding of how everything in their world works from a toaster oven to why holidays are celebrated. She focuses on increasing communication and advocating skills for the child as well as learning how to compromise with siblings and peers. Megan has seen the benefit of teaching children to become self aware of their actions and words with others and to practice and engage in perspective taking.
Licensed Psychotherapist,
Michelle DeCola
Michelle is a licensed psychotherapist with 23 years of experience working with individuals, couples, adolescents and families.
Michelle obtained her Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Dominican University in San Rafael, CA in 1994. There, she did her post-master’s internships at the University of San Francisco’s McCauley Institute working with children and adolescents. Her second internship included Marriage and Family training and counseling at The Family Institute in San Francisco.
Michelle’s specializations and expertise include helping individuals use mindfulness combined with cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to understand and decrease depression and anxiety issues. She has a special affinity for connecting with adolescents and provides a safe space for them to explore their inner world of feelings.
Michelle is passionate about helping people understand their emotions, guiding them to discover healthy coping skills when feelings arise, encouraging them to communicate openly in their relationships.
SAGE Center welcomes Michelle's seasoned clinical experience and exceptional connective qualities. She will be a gift to our SAGE families providing support on the Louisville and Denver side of our ever-widening reach.
Clinical Therapist,
Lisa Fiess, M.Ed., LPCC,
Born into a family of military intelligence, Lisa was introduced to the gifted world of intensity and sensitivity from day one. She went through “gifted programs” during her childhood education and is now coming full circle as she joins our team as a clinical therapist for gifted children and their families.
Lisa’s professional experience starts with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Indiana University. After several years of teaching elementary school, Lisa went on to get her Masters degree in Educational Counseling again from Indiana University. She also holds her LPCC and has a certification in Gifted Education from Adams State University. Lisa has spent her career working with youth and for the past decade as a counseling specialist in GT/2E for Jeffco Schools. As the 504 coordinator and GT counselor for multiple gifted centers, Lisa became fluent in the language of all things IEP, 504, accommodations and acceleration. She fully understands the complexities of gifted students in a traditional education setting. Lisa has supported gifted youth ages 3-19 in a variety of ways including individual and group counseling; focusing on anxiety and stress management, executive function, emotional regulation, and social skills.
One of Lisa's passions is working with parents of gifted and talented/twice exceptional children. She has facilitated countless parent support groups, book study groups and parent information seminars all for parents of gifted children. Her experience in working with gifted parents spans from GT 101 to supporting the most complex cases. Helping families sometimes includes crisis intervention and Lisa has experience in this area as a certified mental health first aid responder as well as holding a certification in CPI (Crisis Prevention Intervention). Lisa is grateful for the opportunities she has had supporting gifted families during some of their most stressful life moments.
In addition, Lisa has presented alongside world renowned specialists in the gifted field to educate mental health professionals on the affective needs of gifted children. Her most recent presentation was educating psychologists and counselors on how to support 2E children with autism, anxiety and disengagement/underachievement in the school setting.
Lisa’s philosophy for counseling is simple; meet clients where they are at, create self awareness, focus on strengths and move the family forward in a positive direction. Lisa finds that gifted kids often crave experiential, play or animal therapy and she is open to meeting in a variety of settings.
As a parent of 5 children with a blended family, Lisa and her husband stay busy and enjoy spending much of their time cooking, planning family gatherings and traveling. She believes in strong foundations of healthy eating, plenty of rest and outdoor activity. She cherishes her daily time gardening her flowers, vegetables and herbs. Her favorite outlet for self care is hiking in the mountains with her two dogs near her home in Colorado.
Lisa is grateful for the opportunity to work at SAGE as she enters the next phase of her career. She is looking forward to meeting and embracing the families at SAGE with open arms and a big smile.
Clinical Therapist,
Ms. Samantha Forman, MFTC, LPCC,
Samantha comes to SAGE with a distinctive combination of education giving her a unique perspective in working with your family. She is both a licensed teacher as well as a clinical therapist. Samantha received her Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience from University of Colorado, Boulder and worked for two years as a special education teacher. After falling in love with this work, she returned to college to obtain her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University with an aspiration of serving this population at a clinical, as well as educational level with more knowledge and expertise.
Since graduating with her Master’s degree, Samantha has continued her education with an array of training, from a brain health certification, to Gottman Method Couples Therapy training to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (a trauma processing technique). In her clinical work, Samantha has gained over 3,000 hours of experience working with couples, individuals and families. In her practice as a therapist, Samantha orients around each client from a family systems perspective. In other words, she takes into account each individual within the family dynamic and views human behavior within this complex and interdependent system. In her work as a teacher, Samantha gained extensive perspective into the complexities of the traditional educational system and the children who may not fit this paradigm. Samantha’s experience as an educator provided her with a rich understanding of individualized lesson planning, supportive accommodation and differentiation strategies, as well as parent education and guidance. She began to notice the deep need for more individualized support for each of these students and their tendency to flourish when it was received.
Samantha is at SAGE to do exactly this; to provide the ‘non-traditional’ learner a place to thrive and excel. After her first conversation with Renu, she knew that her passion to support these students and kids in a deeper and more effective way was completely aligned with the mission of SAGE.
When not at work, you can most likely find Samantha somewhere outside - hiking, running, camping or traveling. Samantha also finds so much joy in baking, cooking and reading. Her family and her community mean the world to her. We are honored to warmly welcome Samantha to our SAGE faculty!
Clinical Therapist,
Christy George
Christy is a warm and caring Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, who specializes in the needs of gifted and twice-exceptional children, teens and adults throughout California. In addition, Christy is the proud mother of an identified, profoundly gifted teen who inspired her to build her practice around this unique community well over a decade ago.
People typically seek her services to resolve unhealthy life patterns, to develop healthy stress management, reduce anxiety and depression, stop self-harm, improve social and emotional skills, and receive parent coaching. Christy’s typical clients are neuro-atypical, intellectually and creatively gifted, or high achieving individuals. They are individuals who often feel misunderstood in the world, and as children "fall through the cracks", or become misdiagnosed. They are also parents seeking guidance in parenting “out of the box” children.
Christy has worked within two school districts, and often collaborates with public and private schools to support twice-exceptional children in the classroom. And now, Christy is excited to partner with SAGE Center for Gifted to expand support services to the under-served community of San Diego County, and throughout California.
In addition to being a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Christy completed an extra three years of training and supervision to become a Somatic Experiencing practitioner, and now assists in the training of other professionals for trauma informed care. Somatic Experiencing is a whole body, trauma treatment approach, developed by Peter Levine, which incorporates the poly vegal theory of Stephen Porges. It is scientifically supported to promote nervous system regulation, and healing from traumatic experiences. This gentle approach, combined with other research-based interventions, is highly effective for the sensitive brains and nervous systems of the gifted children, teens and adults she supports.
Christy holds a Bachelor of Arts from Denver University, a Master of Public Administration from the University of Colorado Graduate School of Public Affairs, and a Master of Arts Counseling from National University, in California. We are honored to welcome Christy to SAGE, as an extraordinary clinician with specialized training and experience serving our unique profile of gifted individuals.
Board Certified Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist,
Dr. Jacqueline Henschke, M.D.,
Dr. Henschke brings to SAGE over 15 years of clinical experience working with children, adolescents, and families. Prior to becoming a physician, Dr. Henschke did advocacy work for children with special needs in the Washington DC area. Out of that work grew a passion for advocacy for children and families with special needs. She continues to be committed to being a strong advocate for children and families within the field on mental health.
Dr. Henschke is board certified in adult and child and adolescent psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Georgetown University. Dr. Henschke attended medical school at Tulane University School of Medicine. Following medical school, she completed a 1-year internship in pediatrics at Miami Children’s Hospital. She completed her psychiatry residency at George Washington University and her child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Stanford University.
Dr. Henschke has worked in a wide variety of settings with different populations. During residency and fellowship, she worked with the deaf and hard of hearing at Gallaudet University and California school for the deaf. She was an assistant professor at Tulane University and taught medical students and residents, worked in outpatient clinics and provided telemedicine to rural populations in Louisiana. She has worked in community mental health settings with children, adolescents, and adults. In addition, she has worked in inpatient settings with adults, children and adolescents that struggle with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, chronic mental illness and chemical dependency.
Dr. Henschke is licensed in Florida and Colorado. In her practice in Florida she collaborates with therapists, and neuropsychologists on a variety of cases that includes working with gifted children with additional psychiatric diagnoses. She is coming to SAGE to continue to work with this exceptional population of children and families and is honored to join their extraordinary multidisciplinary team.
Clinical Therapist,
Joy Hetzler, LCSW,
Ms. Joy Hetzler is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has worked with children and families in a variety of settings and roles throughout her career. Helping others grow to live happy, successful lives has been a theme throughout these experiences. Joy earned her Bachelors of Social Work from the University of Missouri - Columbia. The systems theory learning she gained in this program increased her ability to identify the interconnecting pieces to help others solve problems and grow. She earned a Masters of Arts in Education from the University of Denver. The “child centered” focus of the program enhanced her skills in identifying and supporting individual needs (academic, social, emotional, behavioral) including meeting the unique needs of gifted and talented and neurodiverse students. With her desire to focus on supporting social, emotional, and behavioral needs, she returned to the University of Denver for a Masters in Social Work where she earned the trauma certificate while learning best practices along with different therapy modalities in supporting youth and their families. Her passion to continuously learn has resulted in her attending many additional classes and trainings - many of
which focused on the needs of diverse learners including English Language Learners and Gifted and Talented Learners.
Empowering others by helping them learn and utilize positive social emotional and behavioral skills has been a focus for Joy throughout her career experiences. From her multiple roles in schools, she has a strong understanding of students’ needs, the school system, and potential supports. In the school setting, she has worked as a teacher, an interventionist, an Affective Needs Center social worker, a Social Emotional Learning Specialist, and a Gifted and Talented Counselor with a GT Center elementary program. She has experience working with students, including Twice Exceptional students, with IEPs, behavior plans, and 504 plans to assist them in being successful learners. In her different roles, she has embraced the team approach to work with teachers, families, and support providers to create plans utilizing positive interventions with students with a wide variety of needs including Twice exceptionality, on the Autism spectrum, with ADHD, anxiety, emotional regulation, trauma, overexcitabilities, and executive functioning needs. In her different mental health provider roles, Joy has worked with youth one-on-one, in small groups, and taught whole class social-emotional lessons, as well as provided crisis support and supported school-wide practices. As a GT counselor, Joy has worked with parents by being a co-presenter at GT Parent Night learning opportunities, by co-facilitating GT Parent book groups, and by meeting with parents to share problem-solving ideas and strategies. In her practice, she has helped children, teens, and families develop language, understanding, and skills to work toward their goals.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." is one of Joy’s favorite quotes. It connects with her counseling approach to increase skills and understanding to manage emotions, handle challenging situations, and work towards one’s goals. This quote also aligns with her goal to help individuals use their strengths to meet their goals. Joy utilizes Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, and mindfulness as core approaches when working with individuals and families.
Joy is honored to join the Sage Center team. The Sage Center’s approach matches her philosophy that positive growth occurs best with a system’s approach where everyone works as a collaborative team focused on the individual needs and desires. Joy shared, “It is exciting to be a part of a team where everyone has chosen to focus their skills and talents to work together to support gifted and talented individuals and their families to create happy, successful lives.”
While growing up in Missouri, Joy spent part of many summers at the YMCA of the Rockies - Estes Park. During one of these summers, she decided that she was going to live in Colorado. That dream came true when she moved to Colorado after graduating from MU. After briefly living in Louisville, she lived in the Fraser and Granby area for 25 years which is where she raised her daughter and son. Ten years ago she moved to Lakewood to pursue her passion to
support youth and families with social emotional and behavioral needs. Many of her favorite pastimes involve nature - lake kayaking, paddle boarding, walking the dog, and hiking. She also enjoys traveling with her family.
We are honored to welcome Joy and her exceptionally diverse range of expertise and skills to serve the families at SAGE!

Registered Psychotherapist,
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson has been working with families in private practice for the past 10 years. She is a Registered Psychotherapist with extended training in trauma and attachment theory.
Kim is also trained as a Love & Logic Parenting Coach. This core of this approach helps parents understand that each child is unique; each child must be parented in such a way that recognizes his/her unique strengths and challenges. Parenting with Love and Logic motivates parents with self-confidence, ready to handle real world problems by crafting caring and respectful relationships in an authentic, connected way – rooted in trust and understanding.
Kim understands first-hand, the challenges parents face trying to find a holistic environment to nurture the gifted child. As a mother of two children with learning differences, she knows that patience, compassion, and empathy create an environment rich in love, understanding, and kindness. Kim practiced slowing down, to get into their world and she has seen her children blossom when provided the necessary support and guidance.
Skilled professionals help parents make wise decisions. Accurate assessment and diagnosis is essential to help these children thrive, for when empowered and nurtured, these children are the most loving, sensitive souls.
Kim is excited to join the team at the SAGE Center where honoring cognitive, emotional, social and creative intellects creates the space for children to bloom.
“I am delighted to join SAGE Center’s professional, caring team. SAGE has the heart to serve beautifully gifted children. The core of SAGE Center is one of love, acceptance and support.” – Kim Johnson
Clinical Therapist,
Sarah Mehmen
Sarah is honored to join the SAGE faculty as its newest clinical therapist. She earned her Bachelors in Human Services from University of Phoenix in 2012. This allowed her to work, go to school, and have her first child. Following her Bachelor’s Degree, Sarah pursued a Master’s Degree and obtained a Licensure in School Counseling from University of Phoenix in 2015. Counseling has always been a passion of Sarah’s. This profession has allowed her to work with the “whole child”- socially, emotionally as well academically. As a counselor she is able to advocate for all students while addressing each individuals’ unique needs. She has a variety of educational and counseling experiences working with a multitude of students and families. She has worked in alternative education where she was able to collaborate with students to develop plans for their affective and post-secondary success, as well as support them with intensive academic and personal/social issues. She is also highly experienced in supporting gifted and talented students in the development of Advanced Learning Plans. In the secondary education setting, she has extensive experience in supporting students with IEPs. Through these experiences she can attest to the value in differentiated instruction and individualized learning. She has facilitated social emotional learning within classrooms as well as developed school-wide initiatives and lesson plans. She partnered with families to support the whole child, both in school and outside of school. Throughout her time as a school counselor, Sarah has expanded her skill set in order to support, cultivate, and enhance her relationship-centered approach to counseling. Specific areas of expertise where she has enhanced her professional development include social-emotional learning, executive functioning, coping skills development, and growth mindset. One of her proudest moments to date would be that she received a District award for valuing people. When presented the award it was shared that she “treats everyone equally without judgement. She is kind, caring, and really values her colleagues while taking very good care of all her students”- Jefferson County School District
After her interview with Executive Director, Ms. Renu Rose, Sarah knew instantly that her beliefs and values align with SAGE. As Renu shared, “SAGE is a valuable investment that can help save years of frustration for both parents and most importantly, their child.” Sarah’s philosophy falls directly in line with SAGE by connecting the child, family, school, and other stake holders with an integrated approach. SAGE also understands and values the working parent. Within this faculty position, she would have the flexibility that not only meets the needs of her families but also her own family.
Sarah’s favorite quote is: “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children” Walt Disney. As a Disney fanatic, she loves taking family vacations with her husband and two children to Disney World. They also enjoy watching and playing sports. Movies, game nights, crafts, and just spending time together as a family. She feels so privileged to join the unique and honoring vision for gifted children at SAGE!

Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
Amy Pickett-Williams
Amy Pickett-Williams, LCSW has been providing psychotherapeutic services in Denver for over 16 years. She graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work in 1997, and earned the Master of Social Work degree from the University of Denver in 1999.
She worked in both pediatric and adult medical settings, including hematology/oncology, medically complex children, emergency trauma and hospice. For 8 years, she worked at a school and community-based medical clinic providing psychotherapy to all ages – children, adolescents, women with pregnancy/post-partum challenges, couples and families. At this site, she served many children and adolescents with unique learning needs and enjoyed the integrated approach linking the child, family, school and clinic. She provided consultation for school and medical staff and supervised graduate level students. Before the birth of her third child (who is now three years old), she resumed working in private practice. A majority of her clients are referrals from pediatric offices and both private and public schools. Many of these children are gifted or twice exceptional children and adolescents.
Her specialty areas include work with gifted and twice exceptional children, depression/anxiety, ADD/ADHD, grief and loss, chronic and terminal illness, trauma, abuse, infertility, post-partum mood disorders, divorce/children of divorce, play therapy, art therapy and family and couples therapy. Her therapeutic modality varies among clients, but always comes from a strengths based/empowerment approach.
“I am thrilled to partner with SAGE Center for Gifted, an agency that looks holistically at a child and all the systems that may impact him/her. This model of empowerment fits exactly with what I believe in as a person and a provider.” – Amy Pickett-Williams, LCSW